Munching with Pikachu

Need something to do around Tokyo Station? One of the cutest experiences you can get there is a trip to the Pokémon Cafe!

The cafe is right next to a Pokémon Center. You'll find Snorlax and buddies chilling outside.

Pokemon Cafe Snorlax

Make sure to make a reservation beforehand! We went at 10:40 a.m. and the Pokémon Cafe was already completely booked for the day, as the sign below states.

Pokemon Cafe Entrance

Everything here is Pokémon themed, including the placemats!

These are all placed face down when you first arrive. The staff will then direct you to turn over your placemats to see which Pokémon you have. After all, each one is different!

Pokemon Cafe

Your table will have an iPad that you can order from. Multiple languages are provided, including English. However, seasonal items were not translated. You can also check out the menu here.

Menu and Pokémon-themed drink
Menu and Pokémon-themed drink

This drink is supposed to change flavors, like Ditto changes form.

The food is also ridiculously cute:

Eevee burger
Eevee chicken teriyaki burger and french fries
Pikachu playing hide-and-seek
Pikachu playing hide-and-seek
Pikachu pudding
Pikachu pudding with fruit

If you're lucky, you'll even get to see Chef Pikachu dancing around the cafe and shake hands with him!

Chef Pikachu dancing

Don't forget about the merchandise either! There is plenty at the cafe (and next door at the Pokémon Center) for you to take home.

Pikachu plush
Pikachu plushes
Pokémon merchandise
Pokémon merchandise
Snorlax sleeping at the Pokémon cafe
Snorlax sleeping at the Pokémon cafe

The Pokémon Cafe is a 10 minute walk from Tokyo Station and a 3 minute walk from Nihonbashi Station.

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