Part 1 Itinerary: Reykjavik and the Golden Circle

D and I had only 10 days of vacation time. I was on fall break for a study abroad program with a strict attendance policy, and D had only a limited number of vacation days away from work.

So, we tried to be strategic and to have everything planned down to the hour. Then we got to Iceland and didn't follow the plan.

Here is — chronologically in photos and short snippets — how our trip actually unfolded:

Day 1: Reykjavik


View from the top of Hallgrímskirkja
View of Hallgrímskirkja and its unique architecture


This is one of Reykjavik's main shopping streets. It has some of the coolest cafes, shops, and designs. Be sure to stop by and check it out!

The Sun Voyager

Harpa Concert Hall

Looking out a window at Harpa Concert Hall

Icelandic Street Food

You can try fermented shark here! The traditional lamb soup and the shellfish soup are also amazingly delicious here, but we were too hungry and forgot take photos of them.

Samples of fermented shark

Day 2: Golden Circle 

The actual driving time of the Golden Circle from Reykjavik and back is roughly 3.5 hours. However, you'll be stopping at many points, so it will take about one full day.

Þingvellir National Park

Þingvellir National Park
Öxarárfoss in Þingvellir National Park

Efstidalur II

We made a quick pit stop by this family farm's ice cream barn for some homemade ice cream. You can see the cows as you're eating your dessert.

Icelandic Horses

What majestic hair

You can find these friendly Icelandic horses hanging out on the side of the road along the Golden Circle.


The water really is that blue at Bruarfoss.

Finding this place was a challenge. We read this blog to see how we could find this waterfall, but then couldn't figure out where to park and where exactly to enter the field. We ran into several other tourists coming back from the waterfall who pointed us in the right direction. Once you're on the narrow trail, however, it's a quick few minutes walk to the waterfall.

Lunch at Friðheimar

We stopped for lunch, much later than expected, in a greenhouse. This restaurant had tomatoes growing throughout the greenhouse and fresh tomato soups. Do make a reservation if you plan on going as the wait time can be very long. If you don't have a reservation, however, you can still get tomato soup and bread at the bar, featured in the photo above.


Geothermal activity at Haukadalur
Strokkur erupts roughly about every 5-10 minutes


Just one angle of Gullfoss

Northern Lights

We got really lucky and saw the Northern Lights outside of our guesthouse.

This was the first time I had ever seen the Northern Lights in person! It was absolutely breathtaking. Iceland has an Aurora Borealis forecast you can check out here to see how active it might be on a night and where it is likely to be visible.

Additional stops to visit

If you have more time or more daylight hours, don't forget to check out:

In sum

We deviated quite a bit from our itinerary on Day 2. We were so fascinated by the landscapes in Iceland that we ended up staying at each place much longer than anticipated. By the time we left Gullfoss, the sun was already starting to set, so we opted to grab hot dogs for dinner at Pylsuvagninn in Selfoss and then head straight to the guesthouse instead.

If you plan on traveling farther than the Golden Circle, check out "Part 2 Itinerary: The Road to Vik" here

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